Residential Buildings

We provide structural design services to our clients, ensuring stability, strength and rigidity of  our clients structural projects . 
We help our clients with selection of Appropriate Materials

The selection of appropriate building materials is one of the key responsibilities of structural design. The ability of a structure to withstand external and internal forces and maintain its own state of equilibrium and stability depends on the properties of the materials from which it is constructed. Structural engineers choose materials based on a number of measured properties that predict their performance in construction applications:

-Strength, a measure of how well a material can resist an applied stress or load. The opposite of strong is weak.

-Toughness, a measure of how much energy will cause a given material to crack. The opposite of tough is brittle.

-Elasticity is a measure of how much a material can be stretched and still return to its shape.

-Plasticity measures the capacity of a material for plastic deformation. Plastic deformation occurs when a material is stretched beyond its capacity to return to its normal shape. Metals exhibit plastic deformation as they crack, making them tougher than other materials that shatter such as glass.

Why do you need a Structural Engineer? What do they do?

Structural engineers are primarily concerned with the safety and stability of structures that they design. Structural analysis is the main tool that structural engineers use to ensure that a structure can withstand the various types of forces that it will encounter during its normal operation.

Civil engineers investigate three properties of forces when conducting a structural analysis:

Magnitude: The size of the force being applied to the structure.

Direction: The direction of the force. A strong wind would be acting against the side of the building, while the weight of a heavy snowfall would act downwards, in the direction of gravity. Different systems of materials and reinforcements are required to counteract different types of forces.

Position: The position on which the force acts. Structural engineers must assess the effects of anticipated forces on each area of the building, not just on the building as a whole.
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